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Hello future Doctor!

I'm Dr. Justin Lee, Doctor of Physical Therapy.

I am a PT admission expert and I help Pre-PT Students get accepted into PT school the first time.

About me
I am Dr. Justin Lee, a dedicated and licensed Physical Therapist with a passion not only for healing but also for education and mentorship. My journey to becoming a PT professional is a testament to resilience, transformation, and continuous learning, which I eagerly share with aspiring PT students to inspire and guide them toward success in their careers.

My Journey
Believe it or not, I wasn’t always the accomplished therapist and mentor you see today. In fact, I started as a college dropout, navigating through the uncertainty of academia with an insufficient 2.3 GPA at community college. Like many students, I struggled, earning D's and F's, unsure of my path and potential.

However, life has a unique way of teaching us, and through a series of enlightening experiences, I underwent a significant mindset shift. With renewed focus and maturity, I not only learned how to study effectively but also discovered the drive and discipline within me to excel in my academics. This transformative journey led me to transfer to a university where I graduated with an 3.8 GPA, a huge level-up from my earlier academic struggles!

My Mission
Today, as a full-time Physical Therapist, my mission extends beyond providing expert care to my patients. I am deeply committed to mentoring pre-PT students who find themselves in the shoes I once wore. Through my mentorship program, 1-1 coaching, and online courses, I offer guidance, support, and proven strategies to help struggling students get accepted into physical therapy school.

Why Work With Me?
With firsthand experience of the challenges and triumphs associated with the journey to becoming a Physical Therapist, I bring empathy, understanding, and a wealth of practical knowledge to the table. My approach is not just theoretical but grounded in real-life experiences, providing students with valuable insights and tools they need to succeed.

Feel free to check out my free educational content on my youtube page (if you have not already found me there)

If you are a pre-PT student seeking guidance, I am here to support you every step of the way through acceptance. Together, we can pave the way for your successful and fulfilling career in Physical Therapy!


Please email me! I'll respond back to you.

[email protected]